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Thursday, 10 May 2012

From 08:00Registration

Chair: Professor Dr. Werner Lenz, University of Graz

Formal Opening Session

Barbara Weitgruber, Director General for Scientific Research and International Relations at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research
[Opening address]

Dr. Hannes Spreitzer, Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
[Opening address]

Associate Professor Dr. Martin Polaschek, Vice Rector for Studies and Teaching at the University of Graz

Dr. Andrea Waxenegger, President of EUCEN and Director of the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Graz


Chair: Dr. Michel Feutrie, University of Lille 1

University - Business Panel: A dialogue for Innovation

Hanna Kalanne, GloCell Ltd.

Dr. Dietmar Kahle, Eppendorf AG

Dr. Ulrich Wacker, University of Konstanz

Hanna-Riikka Myllymäki, Aalto University

Background information: Study "State of the European University-Business Cooperation (UBC)": Findings related to LLL
[Brief summary >> PDF]
[Full version >> Link to EC-Website]

11:30-12:00Coffee break

Chair: Alison Hughes, University of Liverpool

Keynote Speech Community-based Education and Learning
by Lyn Tett, Professor of Community Education, University of Huddersfield; Emeritus Professor of Community Education and Lifelong Learning, University of Edinburgh and visiting Professor of Lifelong Learning at the University of Strathclyde, UK
[PPT] [Abstract]

13:00-14:30Buffet lunch
Workshop sessions

Topic 1: Innovation in regional business & industry, NGOs and the public sector – the role of ULLL
Chair: Hanna-Riikka Myllymäki, Aalto University
[notes: The questions following the presentations pertained only to the clarification of certain points in English. As there was no further discussion of the workshop themes, no additional notes were taken.] [focus & presentations] [presenters]

Topic 2: Community-based education and learning as part of ULLL
Chair: Alison Hughes, University of Liverpool
[notes] [focus & presentations] [presenters]

Topic 3: An ageing Europe and the role of ULLL
Chair: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha, University of Tübingen
[notes] [focus & presentations] [presenters]

Topic 4: Supporting the individual learner in ULLL
Chair: Ing. Lucia Hrebenárová Ph.D.
[notes] [focus & presentations] [presenters]

16:00-16:15Coffee break
16:15-17:15Workshop sessions continued

Conference dinner


Zentrum für Weiterbildung der Universität Graz Dr. Andrea Waxenegger Telefon:+43 (0)316 380 - 1101


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