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Workshop Session

An ageing Europe and the role of ULLL

notes] [focus & presentations]

Thursday 10 May 20122nd slot: 16.15 – 17.15Chair: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha, University of TübingenContributions:

1st slot: 14.30 – 16.00

  • Managing ages in the firm: transferring competences between generations at work
    by Prof. Jean-Marie Dujardin, Professor at HEC-Management School of the University of Liège and Academic Coordinator for lifelong learning programmes at the University of Liège
    [PPT] [Abstract]
  • Engaging older learners in self-development: the wider benefits of learning
    by Lesley Hart, MBE, Patron of the Learning in Later Life Students' Association and Dr. Rob Mark, Head of Centre for Lifelong Learning, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
    [PPT] [Abstract]

2nd slot: 16.15 – 17.15

  • Over-fifty returning adult learners: another neglected species?
    by Dr. Renaud Maes, Cécile Sztalberg & Michel Sylin, Service de Formation continue & Unité de Psychologie des Organisations, Université libre de Bruxelles
    [PPT] [Abstract]


Zentrum für Weiterbildung der Universität Graz Dr. Andrea Waxenegger Telefon:+43 (0)316 380 - 1101


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