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COMPASS – Towards European University Lifelong Learning Model in Moldova


2018-2021; verlängert bis 2022

Europäische Kommission, Programm Erasmus+, Leitaktion 2: Zusammenarbeit zur Förderung von Innovation und zum Austausch von bewährten Verfahren, Kapazitätsaufbau im Bereich Hochschulbildung


The COMPASS project aims at contributing to the deeper integration of Moldova into the European Higher Education Area through the integration of an inclusive and responsive University Lifelong Learning (ULLL) model in Moldova.

The consortium encompasses 16 institutions, including 8 Higher Education Institutions from Moldova and 8 EU Partners.

Expected objectives include:

  • to promote and strengthen the LLL culture in Moldova and to build national consensus of the key-actors on the development issues;
  • to develop and advance a national legislative framework and stimulate regulatory changes on LLL in Moldova;
  • to build up the university’s integrative function in Moldova by developing integrated university LLL strategies;
  • to enhance the university’s institutional capacities in Moldova for an efficient and effective implementation of LLL Reform.
Information COMPASS Website

Dr. Andrea Waxenegger, Tel: +43 316 380 - 1101



Elisabethstraße 27/ EG
8010 Graz, Austria

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 1102
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9035

Mo-Do: 9-12 & 14-16
Fr: 9-12
und nach Vereinbarung

Dr. Andrea Waxenegger

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