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EQUIPE plus – European Quality in Individualised Pathways in Education Plus (Partner)

FördergeberinEuropean Commission, SOCRATES, Grundtvig
InhaltThe main objectives of this project were: to inform and complement the work of Bologna process by focussing on quality in ULLL and promoting debate on the theme; to address the quality of universities involvement in Grundtvig and assist in networking between Grundtvig projects and the theme of quality; to provide an overview of quality arrangements in ULLL in 25 countries, identifying the need for further development and making recommendations; to develop indicators of quality ULLL supported by case studies derived from best practice and taking account of definitions and practices in different countries; to promote the results of the first Equipe network and of other projects on quality in LLL; to promote training opportunites for staff in ULLL on the theme of Quality.
KontaktDr. Andrea Waxenegger, Tel.: +43 (0)316 380 - 1101


Elisabethstraße 27/ EG
8010 Graz, Austria

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 1102
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9035

Mo-Do: 9-12 & 14-16
Fr: 9-12
und nach Vereinbarung

Dr. Andrea Waxenegger

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