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EQUIPE – European Quality in Individualised Pathways in Education (Partner)

FördergeberinEuropean Commission, SOCRATES, Grundtvig

The main aim of this project network was to take forward the work of the Socrates project (1998-2000) – European Quality in University Adult Learning – ‘EQUAL’. The EQUAL project involved mutual evaluation visits between partner institutions to compare and analyse their quality projects in university adult and continuing education. The main outcome was a handbook on quality in university adult education.

EQUIPE continued and enriched that work, developing it into a package of tools in different media, exploiting the expertise of the team involved in the earlier project and adding new partners in additional countries. In addition, the original project focussed on quality issues around some aspects of the services and courses provided by the universities; this new project network addressed the missing elements on the supply side but focused primarily on quality issues around the individualised learning pathways from the perspective of the learners. Thus it promoted the dissemination of concrete products and contributed to the dissemination of good practice in lifelong learning.
KontaktDr. Andrea Waxenegger, Tel.: +43 (0)316 380 - 1101


Elisabethstraße 27/ EG
8010 Graz, Austria

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 1102
Fax:+43 316 380 - 9035

Mo-Do: 9-12 & 14-16
Fr: 9-12
und nach Vereinbarung

Dr. Andrea Waxenegger

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